1 January 2010
[funny] WiFi for Passive-Aggressives‘YourDogShitsInMyYard’
2 January 2010
[moore] Comics Won’t Save You, but Dodgem Logic Might … an Alan Moore interview in Wired … ‘I think the comics medium could play a big part in addressing our problems. It’s such a wonderful medium. You can talk about anything, and talk about it in a very powerful and informative way. I’d like to see comics become a medium in which new ideas could be expressed in new, compelling forms, but I don’t really see that coming from the industry’
3 January 2010
[london] 2009 in Evening Standard headlines … on the Evening Standard’s 2009 Headline Boards … ‘At first the guys giving it away carried on with the billboards, but I knew that this practice would soon fade away. If no money is being made in the street from these newspapers, why go to all the bother of advertising them in the street. So it is that if you click on the last picture of all, you see that where there used to be informatively alarming stories about doom and disaster, now there are only forlorn signs saying that the ES now costs nothing.’ [thanks Phil]
4 January 2010
[london] Darling At War With “Bully” Brown … apparently this was the last Evening Standard Headline Board produced on December 12 – Can anybody confirm that?
[batman] xkcd: Lease‘I don’t know what you just said because I was thinking about Batman.’
5 January 2010
[funny] Worth a look: Some QuestionsGive-A-Fuck-O-MeterCan Fail (Isn’t this a visual metaphor for life in some way rather than a fail?)
[crime] Yorkshire Ripper loves Wii Bowling‘[Peter] Sutcliffe – convicted in 1981 of murdering 13 women – has a fondness for Wii Bowling, a source at the Berkshire-based hospital told the newspaper, adding that the murderer has played the game while watched by Robert Napper, the killer of Rachel Nickell.’
6 January 2010
[wire] 100 Greatest Quotes From The Wire‘All the pieces matter.’ (more…)
7 January 2010
[comics] Why Chicks Cry … according to 66 romance comic panels … [via MetaFilter]

Never Trust A Sailor
Always Remember: Never Trust A Sailor

8 January 2010
[comics] Grant Goggans On 2000 AD‘Andy Diggle famously described 2000 AD, at its best, as delivering you shot glasses of rocket fuel. You may not like every episode of every tale, but all five episodes each week should try and knock you on your backside with excellent characters in fast-moving, over-the-top stories. Nothing else in comics can give you that thrill, and it’s the highwire, anything-goes weekly nature that makes reading 2000 AD so fun.’
9 January 2010
[comics] Load Runner #3 … scans of the Galaxy’s greatest British computer comic from 1983. Containing such gems as the adventures of Andy Royd and the specifications for the Mattel Aquarius.
11 January 2010
[books] Kurt Vonnegut Reviews Joseph Heller’s Something Happened‘The book may be marketed under false pretenses, which is all right with me. I have already seen (British) sales promotion materials which suggest that we have been ravenous for a new Heller book because we want to laugh some more. This is as good a way as any to get people to read one of the unhappiest books ever written. “Something Happened” is so astonishingly pessimistic, in fact, that it can be called a daring experiment. Depictions of utter hopelessness in literature have been acceptable up to now only in small dose, in short-story form, as in Franz Kafka’s “The Metamorphosis,” Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery,” or John D. MacDonald’s “The Hangover,” to name a treasured few. As far as I know, though, Joseph Heller is the first major American writer to deal with unrelieved misery at novel length. Even more rashly, he leaves his major character, Slocum, essentially unchanged at the end.’
Conversations About The Internet #5: Anonymous Facebook Employee … an interview with a Facebook employee about internal practices at the company …

Q: When you say “click on somebody’s profile,” you mean you save our viewing history?

Facebook Employee: That’s right. How do you think we know who your best friends are?

12 January 2010
[life] What boyfriends and girlfriends search for on Google‘how can I get my girlfriend / boyfriend to trust me?’
13 January 2010
[blogs] Look At This Fucking Idea For A Blog-To-Book Deal … generating ideas for the blog-to-book market one post at a time: Famous Architect Or Early 20th Century Pedophile Dandy?Dinosaurs Dealing With MortalityEverything As A Vintage PaperbackReboxing. [via Metafilter]
[books] I’m Not That Peter Robinson … Internet Hate Mob GO! … ‘Many thanks to all of you who have offered me your support in my time of difficulty – especially the person who said my wife was a homophobic slut who needed a good slapping around, and the other who suggested that I turn to Jesus Christ as my Saviour – but I must stress that I AM NOT Peter Robinson the politician, Northern Ireland’s First Minister.’
14 January 2010
[crime] The Silver Thief … amazing true-crime story about a high-end cat burglar … ‘The police inventoried Nordahl’s belongings in his vehicle and in his motel room, and found, among other items, nationwide motel directories, a video titled “How to Create a New Birth Certificate,” a rubber stamp that read “original document,” and a book called “How to Launder Money.” He had been travelling with two cats, one white and one black, named Romeo and Juliet; a series of receipts from various animal clinics suggested that he was a devoted pet owner. Not surprisingly, he had no sterling silver and no piles of cash.’
15 January 2010
[politics] Tim Nice-But-Dim Tory Poster Photoshop

David Cameron: My Chums...

16 January 2010
[funny] Worth A Look: SpecialmanPenalty FareJesus Makes Things So Hard On Me
17 January 2010
[tv] It’s Aways September 13, 1999 Somewhere … huge Metafilter post filled with interesting links on Garry Anderson’s Space 1999‘I had the metal-cast Tonka version of the Eagle, if I remember right: that thing had heft. Forget about the Moon being pushed into another part of the universe, or Martin Landau, or the trippy 1970s graphics: I watched Space: 1999 for the hardware.’
18 January 2010
[books] James Ellroy On Desert Island Discs … (available on BBC iPlayer for the next seven days).
[retro] A Note on the Word “Zork” … possible origins of the title of one the earliest text adventure games‘It’s particularly appealing that this etymology makes zork an altered form of, or an alternative to … work.’
19 January 2010
[tv] What all this Leno/Conan/Late Night Gubbins is about: a primer for friends in the UK … nice crib sheet from Anna Pickard. ‘…it is not often a curtain gets raised like this, and it has been, for a brief time, a remarkable insight on the workings of it all – and the true bitterness, fear and anger present in all parts of the industry (of most similar industries) right now.’
20 January 2010
[books] James Ellroy and David Peace in conversation … On his life between 1968 and 1972: ‘I have a very dim social sense. I recall the time. I recall the specific events. But I didn’t give a rat’s fucking ass. I was self-absorbed. All I wanted to do was drink, use drugs, perv around after women, unsuccessfully. And read. I didn’t give a shit. I was never leftwing. I was never a war protestor. I would just steal and hole up in libraries and sleep in parks and act like an asshole, in a minor way. But I read and nurtured notions of being a great writer. And I sensed history bombing around beside me. I knew I was living through tumultuous history.’
21 January 2010
[life] Two AI Pioneers. Two Bizarre Suicides. What Really Happened? … Wired on the story behind the suicides of two artificial intelligence researchers … ‘Singh was convinced that the potential of artificial intelligence was enormous. “I believe that AI will succeed where philosophy failed,” he had written on his MIT homepage. “It will provide us with the ideas we need to understand, once and for all, what emotions are.” According to Bo Morgan, a fellow student at MIT, Singh suggested that giving common sense to computers would solve all the world’s problems. “Even starvation in Africa?” Morgan asked…’
22 January 2010
[comics] CR Holiday Interview Series Wrap-Up … great selection of interviews on comics from the Comics Reporter‘It was my great pleasure the last three weeks to interview some but certainly not all of my most valued writing-about-comics colleagues about some but certainly not all of the great books, series and single issues of the last 10 years…’
23 January 2010
[comics[ Walking Dead gets TV Pilot‘[Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard] follow in the footsteps of the master, George Romero, to do something horror often does very well, comment on human nature and society by pushing both to the edge, while also drawing you in to a fascinating, often terrifying tale of survival.’
25 January 2010
[useful] Add a “Gmail This” Bookmarklet to Your Browser … if you use Gmail you probably want to use this bookmarklet to quickly send links via email. I use it everyday – it’s a great timesaver.
26 January 2010
[conspiracy] Secrets of The Shining … a totally loopy conspiracy theory involving Stanley Kubrick and the Shining … ‘The truth is that The Shining is the story of how Stanley Kubrick cut a deal with the U.S. Government to fake the Apollo moon landings.’ [via Metafilter]
[blogs] Right-Wing Flame War! … on the rise and fall of Little Green Footballs … [via Metafilter]

Johnson has always had a geek’s penchant for self-education, and in that spirit he cultivated a side interest, and ultimately an expertise, in writing computer code. His Web log, which he named “Little Green Footballs” (a private joke whose derivation he has always refused to divulge), was begun in February 2001 mostly as a way to share advice and information with fellow code jockeys – his approach was similar in outlook, if vastly larger in its reach, to the guiding spirit in the days of ham radio. His final post on Sept. 10, 2001, was titled “Placement of Web Page Elements.” It read, in its entirety: “Here’s a well-executed academic study of where users expect things to be on a typical Web page.” It linked to, well, exactly what it said. The post attracted one comment, which read, in its entirety, “Fantastic article.”

[food] Sushi Etiquette

Sushi Etiquette

27 January 2010
[funny] Worth A Look: Bedtime StoriesRome Did Not Create A Great Empire By Having MeetingsYou Dropped Food on the Floor. Do You Eat It?
28 January 2010
[blogs] ‘Controlled Serendipity’ Liberates the Web … we are all Jorn Barger now … ‘If someone approached me even five years ago and explained that one day in the near future I would be filtering, collecting and sharing content for thousands of perfect strangers to read – and doing it for free – I would have responded with a pretty perplexed look. Yet today I can’t imagine living in a world where I don’t filter, collect and share. More important, I couldn’t conceive of a world of news and information without the aid of others helping me find the relevant links.’ [via Moreish]
29 January 2010
[books] Dave Eggers on J. D. Salinger: ‘I wish I’d met the man. I hope he was happy. I worry sometimes that he wasn’t a happy recluse, but I like to think he was. Wouldn’t it be ­wonderful if he actually felt like he said all he needed to say and then just called it a day (for four or five decades?). The strength of his convictions, in any case, serves as a model for us all.’
30 January 2010
[comics] V for Vendetta in Kinetic Typography‘Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.’ (more…)
31 January 2010
[comics] The Ultimate Graphic Novel (in Six Panels) … since this doesn’t contain any autobiography about compulsive masturbation I think it’s safe to conclude the ultimate graphic novel is yet to be written.
1 February 2010
[comics] Superheroes, villains and everything in between … some wonderful real life superheroes and villains collected by Meg from Flickr.
2 February 2010
[movies] The Director of Downfall Speaks Out on All Those Angry YouTube Hitlers‘As for the idea of such a serious scene being used for laughs, Hirschbiegel thinks it actually fits with the theme of the movie. “The point of the film was to kick these terrible people off the throne that made them demons, making them real and their actions into reality,” he says.’
3 February 2010
[funny] Make Your Own Malcolm Tucker Poster‘Eric fucking Bristow’s on the oche throwing a million darts made of human shit right at you.’
4 February 2010
[google] Have you checked out Google’s view of your social circle on the internet? … a long list of links to your friends and acquaintances pulled in automatically from a number of sources (useful for the internet stalker in all of us.)
[meme] I’ll probably regret this: Ask Me A Question‘no, I’ve never kept a secret blog…’
5 February 2010
[comics] High Fever: An interview with Brendan McCarthy‘Having done Shade and now Spider-Man and Dr. Strange — all that I’d like to do next is The Creeper! (I have to admit, Hawk and Dove never really did it for me.)’
[space] Spectacular Hubble View Of The Aftermath Of An Asteroid Collision … Asteroids collide or spacecraft? You decide…
6 February 2010
[internet] The Nine Circles of Dante’s Internet … Part Of the 8th Circle Of Dante’s Internet: ‘People Who Ask For Advice But Don’t Listen.’
7 February 2010
[moore] A YouTuber Sums Up Alan Moore: ‘Sheesh. I keep trying to read his stuff, but I swear Moore is like the messiah of all who would get beat up in middle school. Thus he is against confident sexy women who flirt, confident athletic men who are badass and don’t need permission to kiss a woman, anyone who can fight or kill, anyone who knows they look good…. He is for anyone who can play the tuba, is gay, has bad hair, has a bad complexion, has frizzy hair, is socialist… it gets old.’
8 February 2010
[lifehacks] 43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life‘7. Makebelieve girlfriend chair’
9 February 2010
[es] Another Necktie Strangling … from Fuck Yeah Hitchcock! [via Unreliably Witnessed]
10 February 2010
[comics] The Batman Digs This Day…

The Batman Digs This Day...

Grant Morrison on Brave and the Bold #102: One of my all-time favourite Batman panels was written by Haney and drawn by Jim Aparo and shows Batman strolling down the sunlit streets of Gotham, checking out the mini-skirted girls and accompanied by the line to end all lines: ‘Yes, Batman digs this day!’
11 February 2010
[art] dvdp … a tumblr of stunning images, animated GIFs and optical illusions.
12 February 2010
[movies] Is Great Cinema Ever The Work Of A Single Man? … how much does a great movie owe to it’s director? … ‘Theoretically, says Loader, it is ­entirely possible for a film to direct ­itself. A solid cast and crew can be ­relied on to fill in the gaps left by a ­director who is either inept or awol. “Oh, it happens all the time,” he says.’
[wal] Worth A Look: …But That’s How I Roll42 Essential 3rd Act Twists25 Awesome Mugs
14 February 2010
[comics] 1966 Batman Valentines … Batman obviously is the most romantic of Superheroes … ‘I’m out to get you… Valentine!’ [See Also: Another Batman Valentine]
15 February 2010
[comics] 50 Grant Morrison Graphic Novels You Should Read’46. We3 – Three bioengineered pets just want to find their way home.’
16 February 2010
[internet] A Crime of Shadows .. a really disturbing look at how potential sexual predators are entrapped on the internet by U.S. Police … ‘J was guilty of some things, serious things. He was guilty of saying he wanted to have sex with two imaginary children. He was guilty of being a troubled soul in a bad marriage, of abusing steroids, of a lifelong inability to establish a healthy intimacy with a woman, and of being morally adrift in a netherworld of illicit sexual desire. He was guilty of lacking moral boundaries and good sense…’ [via Metafilter]
17 February 2010
[fun] Worth A Look: Escher’s “Relativity” in LEGOComic Book Ad BrowserHow To Suck A Facebook
18 February 2010
[books] Henry Sutton’s top 10 Unreliable Narrators … On The Killer Inside Me: ‘It was Jim Thompson, not James M Cain, who put the hard into hard-boiled, the noir into roman noir. He was also one of the first crime writers to take us into the heads of seriously twisted killers, if not out-and-out psychopaths. Deputy Sheriff Lou Ford is regarded as a pillar of the small Texan community he serves. Yet he’s in possession of a secret he doesn’t even admit to himself. When the bodies start to appear, the net slowly tightens.’
[movies] Kosmograd: Why 2010 wont be like ‘2010’ … why the imagery and portrayal of computers in the 1984 film 2010 doesn’t match up to the computers we use today … ‘Unlike the computers of 2010, the computers in ‘2010’ do not create space. The computers of the Leonov, and even HAL 9000 on the Discovery, are little more than tools or automatons, tactile and solid. Whereas HAL looked out into our world, today we look into the world created within the computer.’
19 February 2010
[funny] It’s Simple – Kill The Batman

It's Simple - Kill The Batman

[comics] Paradax: the TV show … according to internet rumours Brendan McCarthy is in Hollywood pitching Paradax as a animated TV Show … ‘Bad Boy Superhero: Smallville meets Entourage’
21 February 2010
[funny] Worth A Look: MindfuckI’ll Just The Browse The Web For A Few MinutesSkiing Batmen
22 February 2010
[books] Hare-brained: Kit Williams’ Masquerade … The long and engrossing story behind the creation of Kit Williams’ Masquerade treasure hunt and it’s eventual solution … ‘The national newspapers followed up the Thomas story all week, faithfully repeating the version of events he’d given to Williams. They were particularly pleased with the notion that all these eggheads could have been defeated by Masquerade’s puzzle, only to see the hare finally discovered by a dog who stopped to pee on a random stone. This was the single aspect of the story which every newspaper emphasised, and it’s still the one thing which most casual readers know – or think they know – about Masquerade today.’ [via Metafilter]
23 February 2010
[politics] Adam Curtis On How All Of Us Have Become Richard Nixon‘Just like him we have all become paranoid weirdos.’ (more…)
[war] Lost Nazi nuke-project uranium found in Dutch scrapyard‘Forensic nuke scientists at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) traced two pieces of metal – described as a cube and a plate – back to their exact origins and dates. Apparently both came from ores extracted at the “Joachimsthal” mine in what is now the Czech Republic, though the two are from different production batches.The cube, according to specialists at the JRC’s Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU), was produced in 1943 for the Nazi nuclear programme and was used in the lab of famous boffin Werner Heisenberg (of uncertainty principle fame).’
24 February 2010
[comics] Kevin O’Neill Interview [Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five] … huge interview covering O’Neill’s 40 year career in comics … ‘What Robocop did by beating Judge Dredd to the screen was it stole the best of Judge Dredd, and when they made the Dredd movie, they were then worried about being compared with Robocop! So they took out all the black humor and all the satire, and their emasculated movie was almost a Judge Dredd movie, but not quite. Robocop was a more energetic movie. We did hear there were piles of 2000 ADs in the production offices. That does kind of show, doesn’t it?’ [via Metafilter]
[politics] Glanced At: Steve Bell On The National Bullying Helpline.
25 February 2010
[comics] Jack Kirby’s Visual Interpretations of God‘I always found it interesting that of the very few pieces of his own work that Jack Kirby displayed in his home, three of them were his visual interpretations of God.’
[comics] Happy 10th Blogiversary Neilalien! … as far as I know Neilalien’s blog and Doctor Strange / Steve Ditko fan site was the first comic blog. Amazingly, after ten years he still seems to handroll his own blog pages, which proves he’s either old school or an alien – I can’t make up my mind which… Congratulations Neil!
26 February 2010
[comics] The 6 Most Realistic Moments In “Kick-Ass”‘Completing the Hit Girl Realisim Trifecta, there’s the scene where she–again, a tiny child–accurately shoots a pistol in each hand, scoring headshots on a roomful of bad guys. Issues of recoil are, of course, negated by the littlegirlium factor…’
27 February 2010
[funny] Worth a Look: Unhappy HipstersComing Soon From BBC Worldwide10 Reasons To Avoid Talking On The Phone.
28 February 2010
[blogs] The Power Of Ten … Meg Pickard celebrates 10 years of blogging. Congratulations Meg! :) … ‘A decade feels like a long time in so many ways – when I look back at my early posts and think about what I was doing back then and where I was in life, I am amazed how far away it feels. But throughout those ten years there have been very few of the 3692 days (more or less) when I haven’t written something on the blog, or scribbled something in draft, or at very least thought about it and felt guilty for not having sufficient time to devote to doing it.’
1 March 2010
[religion] God Watches You Google … a religious blog poses the question of how we should feel about the morality (or lack of) displayed in our search requests …

This woman goes from searching about pregnancy, to realizing that the father does not want to keep the baby, to researching abortion clinics, to researching whether she can, according to her faith, choose abortion, to dealing with a miscarriage. And at the end of it all, life goes on and she seems ready to be married.

What is so amazing about these searches is the way people transition seamlessly from the normal and mundane to the outrageous and perverse. They are, thus, an apt reflection of real life. The user who is in one moment searching for information about a computer game may in the next be looking for the most violent pornography he can imagine. Back and forth it goes…

3 March 2010
[quote] Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72:

On page 39 of California Living magazine I found a hand-lettered ad from the McDonald’s Hamburger Corporation, one of Nixon’s big contributors in the ’72 presidential campaign: PRESS ON, it said. NOTHING IN THE WORLD CAN TAKE THE PLACE OF PERSISTENCE. TALENT WILL NOT: NOTHING IS MORE COMMON THAN UNSUCCESSFUL MEN WITH TALENT. GENIUS WILL NOT: UNREWARDED GENIUS IS ALMOST A PROVERB. EDUCATION ALONE WILL NOT: THE WORLD IS FULL OF EDUCATED DERELICTS. PERSISTENCE AND DETERMINATION ALONE ARE OMNIPOTENT. I read it several times before I grasped the full meaning.

[quote] ‘The best you can hope for in this life is that your delusions are benign and your compulsions have utility.’ — Scott Adams, Crazy or Disciplined?
[quote] ‘Nothing happens in the world? Are you out of your fucking mind? People are murdered every day. There’s genocide, war, corruption. Every fucking day, somewhere in the world, somebody sacrifices his life to save someone else. Every fucking day, someone, somewhere makes a conscious decision to destroy someone else. People find love, people lose it. For Christ’s sake, a child watches her mother beaten to death on the steps of a church. Someone goes hungry. Somebody else betrays his best friend for a woman. If you can’t find that stuff in life, then you, my friend, don’t know crap about life.’ — Robert McKee in Adaptation.
[quote] ‘What’ll it be next? Choice extracts from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations? Trotting out the Nietzsche and the Shelley to dignify some old costumed claptrap? Probably. Sometimes you wonder, in an interconnected universe, who’s dreaming who? — Grant Morrison.
4 March 2010
[lmg] Ten Years Of Link Blogging … Ten years and 5407 posts to be exact – I did it. As we say on the internets: OMFG! w00t! FTMFW!

Ten Years Later...

5 March 2010
[funny] Worth A Look: Underskin – A Map Of The Human BodyBrainiac has no time for loveSuperhero Headquarters
[google] How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web … Steven Levy is given an interesting look behind the scenes into Google’s search engine …

Indeed, [Microsoft] the company that won last decade’s browser war has a best-served-cold approach to search, an eerie certainty that at some point, people are going to want more than what Google’s algorithm can provide. “If we don’t have a paradigm shift, it’s going to be very, very difficult to compete with the current winners,” says Harry Shum, Microsoft’s head of core search development. “But our view is that there will be a paradigm shift.”

8 March 2010
[comics] Wilson … Tom Spurgeon produces the first review of Wilson – Dan Clowes latest comic‘It’s Clowes being Clowes, and Wilson all by itself makes 2010 a pretty good year for comics no matter what happens from here on out.’
9 March 2010
[internet] In Praise of Online Obscurity‘In 2007, [Maureen Evans] began a nifty project: tweeting recipes, each condensed to 140 characters. She soon amassed 3,000 followers, but her online life still felt like a small town: Among the regulars, people knew each other and enjoyed conversing. But as her audience grew and grew, eventually cracking 13,000, the sense of community evaporated. People stopped talking to one another or even talking to her. “It became dead silence,” she marvels. Why? Because socializing doesn’t scale…’
[funny] Little Kid Does Worlds Best Batman Spoof“Max, what do you want for dinner?” “JUSTICE!”
10 March 2010
[wisdom] Malcolm Tucker on Bloggers: ‘I read all the blogs because I’m an under-employed fat fucking loser with nothing better to do with my time than sit in my bedroom like a fat space hopper in a tracksuit reading inconsequential, un-spellchecked shit, fabricated by other fat fucking losers.’
11 March 2010
[comics] Jack Kirby Was The 20th Century

He was the existential loner outcast from society who sought solace by riding the waves (the Silver Surfer). He was the military industrial complex (Nick Fury). He was the hippies who rejected the Cold War consensus, and wanted to create their own counterculture (the Forever People). He was the artist who tried to escape his degrading background (Mister Miracle). He was feminism (Big Barda). He was Nixon and the religious right (Darkseid and Glorious Godfrey).

[funny] Worth a Look: Meanwhile, In FinlandPick TwoArmageddon
12 March 2010
[comics] Belltoons – The Steve Bell Cartoons Website … The Guardian’s main editorial cartoonist has a (new?) website.
14 March 2010
[comics] Wally Wood Should Have Beaten Them All … overview of the comics career of artist Wally Wood‘Wood was a tremendously ambitious journeyman. He had a genius and a love for a medium that, until recently, ground down its abundant geniuses, celebrating creation while pointedly not rewarding the creator.’
15 March 2010
[ufo] First Contact: The Man Who’ll Welcome Aliens … Jon Ronson meets the chairman of Seti’s Post-Detection Taskgroup

…you can tell the abductees are lying or delusional because their descriptions of the aliens and their craft are always so unimaginative. As he writes in The Eerie Silence, the giveaway is the banality of the aliens’ putative agenda, which seems to consist of grubbing around in fields or meadows, chasing cows or cars like bored teenagers, and abducting humans for Nazi-style experiments.

16 March 2010
[hhgttg] The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy On Towels‘A towel… is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitch hiker can have.’ — Dougas Adams
17 March 2010
[nixon] Great moments with Mr. Nixon. … some great quotes from ex-President Richard Nixon …

Nixon: I do not mind the homosexuality. I understand it. (14-second beep to hide personal information) But nevertheless, the point that I make is that goddamit, I do not think that you glorify on public television homosexuality… even more than you glorify whores. Now we all know that people go to whores. … we all have weaknesses. But, goddammit, what do you think that does to kids? What do you think that does to 11 and 12 year old boys when they see that? … You know what happened to the Greeks! Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a homo. We all know that. So was Socrates.

Ehrlichman: But he never had the influence that television had.

18 March 2010
[books] The Little People – the best book cover ever … A horror novel about evil Nazi Leprechauns with whips? WANT! [via Moreish]


[funny] ‘Come on ladies, skank it up! There’s no shame in being a whore!’Overheard in a School in Utah.
19 March 2010
[funny] Funny Japanese anime summary of British stereotypes‘Fish ‘n’ Chips!’ (more…)
21 March 2010
[woz] Steve Wozniak is on Twitter: ‘Rare massage (for me), then dance practice. No pain, no gain. Awkward but fun, this dancing. I still can’t do Macarena.’ [link]
22 March 2010
[funny] Worth a look: Batman vs. The GerbilsFantasy LeagueNothing Happened.
[crime] Andrew O’Hagen on Jon Venables and the murder of Jamie Bulger [via Sore Eyes] …

Now, at this distance, I realise Venables is nearly 30. I find the confluence, if that’s the word, of his ruination and my visibility disturbing. At some level, I will always feel I could have been Venables and the more opportunity I get to make myself understood, the more it becomes obvious that he will never escape condemnation, the thing John Major called for more of in his statement at the time of the trial. I have dreams about the boys, and sometimes dream I am the person in the CCTV footage who walks past them with a shopping bag at the exact moment they abducted James. I can see the butcher’s shop where James’s mother is waiting for her change; I see the floor tiles reflecting shadows and hear the mall’s muzak bending sinister as the shoppers go about their business. I hear the echoing swimming-pool clamour of the ordinary day about to go wrong…

24 March 2010
[mars] Abstract And Affecting, The New Mars Pictures Are A Confrontation With The Sublime … Sam Leith On Photographs Of Mars… ‘These photographs inspire not only awe and wonder, but also a sort of longing. None of us alive at this moment – possibly no human ever – will see these landscapes with our own eyes. And yet here are the pictures. For me, they have the same effect as great paintings or photographs – a feeling that something impossible has been made present, while remaining just out of reach.’
25 March 2010
[work] Intranet Secrets‘Our most popular intranet blog post ever was a rant that complained about the queuing system at the supermarket next door. It had even more hits than when we announced the bonus payment.’
26 March 2010
[funny] Worth a look: A Face Like Dot CottonEverytime you make a PowerpointI’m to stay here and expose myself!
28 March 2010
[funny] Eating off the People’s Princess … if Daily Express readers knew what a Tumblr was they’d find this very offensive … ‘A crown of Di-ritos.’
29 March 2010
[comics] Comic book artist ends life at suicide clinic after battle with MS … The Telegraph on the death of John HicklentonBefore he went to Dignitas, he told Pat Mills, the founder of 2000 AD: “MS, you have a week to live. You’ve met someone you shouldn’t have fucked with.”
[funny] The Daily Mail Song‘Ian Huntley gets his own jacuzzi and gym in jail.’ [via Belle de Jour]

31 March 2010
[morris] New Details on Errol Morris’ Next Documentary, Tabloid‘His next film, Tabloid, is a considerable departure from his previous film, Standard Operating Procedure, and centers on the fascinating figure of former Miss Wyoming, convicted rapist, and dog-cloning supporter Joyce McKinney.’
2 April 2010
[health] Snake oil? Scientific Evidence For Health Supplements … brilliantly done infographic from David McCandless.
4 April 2010
[funny] Worth A Look: Beware Of The Orange PeoplePIEGod’s Control Buttons
5 April 2010
[space] Neptune May Have Eaten A Planet And Stolen Its Moon‘Neptune may have polished off a super-Earth that once roamed the outer solar system and stolen its moon to boot. The brutal deed could explain mysterious heat radiating from the icy planet and the odd orbit of its moon Triton.’
7 April 2010
[wired] Wired Reread … a blog looking back at the adverts in the early 1990’s issues of Wired Magazine – plenty of oddities like the Sony Malvica Floppy Disk Digital Camera [via Waxy]
8 April 2010
[comics] Brendan McCarthy discusses Spiderman: Fever‘When you write and draw it yourself, you can keep changing or finessing right up to the last moment. You can radically alter what you’ve written or drawn. You can spontaneously do what the moment dictates. It’s exciting and I really like it, but it’s a very intense way of working. Finding the story and making sure it doesn’t follow obvious routes was the challenge. All writers know about that glorious moment when the characters start to ‘talk back’ to you. That’s the point when you absolutely know what they would or wouldn’t say or do.’
[dailyfail] 100 Essential Phrases To Include In A Letter To The Daily Mail‘and immigration that is out of control. – Steve Guff (ex-pat), Alicante, Spain’ [via Bad Journalism]
9 April 2010
[weird] The Porn Detection Stick … when you absolutely positively gotta find all the porn hidden on a computer – Accept no substitutes.
[funny] Worth-A-Look: This CatGet ExcitedFatman.
11 April 2010
[comics] Comic Book Cartography … a collection of maps and cutaways from comic books.
12 April 2010
[space] Voyager 1 & 2’s Infinite Playlist‘These songs were etched into a 12-inch, gold plated copper record that was placed aboard the two spaceships in 1977.’ [via Kottke]
13 April 2010
[comics] Alan Moore – The Spanish Impersonation‘When I was young I travelled to Andorra and bought a radio cassette player. However, I usually travel to fourth dimension.’

14 April 2010
[blogs] High Court: Moderate User Comments And You’re Liable‘A blog owner can avoid liability for user-generated content that appears on his site without being checked or moderated, the High Court has ruled. But fixing the spelling or grammar in users’ posts could lose him that protection, it said.’
15 April 2010
[death] The DeathList 2010 … the internet dead pool. Herbert Lom (93) and Ray Bradbury (90) are still with us? Who knew?
16 April 2010
[iphone] Victor Keegan: My First iPhone App … a retiring Guardian tech writer on the thinking behind his first iPhone app …‘This month I finally left the Guardian after nearly 47 years. At the end of last week I had my 70th birthday and today my first iPhone app came out.’ [via Meg]
[comics] Cartooning Advice: Zippy’s Bill Griffith gives his Top 40 List on Creating Comics‘Sitting at a drawing table for 37 years can be hard on the neck and the upper back. Get up every half hour or so and stretch. Do neck and upper back stretching exercises every day as you get older.’
17 April 2010
[politics] Who has David Cameron been talking to?‘Last week, I met a gay burglar, who told me that climate change hysteria killed Diana.’ [via @Royston Robertson]
18 April 2010
[comics] How The Flash looks on Android and iPhone … is this why DC Comics doesn’t have an iPhone/iPad app yet? :)
19 April 2010
[politics] Guido Fawkes Dreaming – The Change Coalition: ‘In what is the iconic picture of the election, Cameron walks out of his Millbank headquarters along the Thames embankment to 4 Cowley Street where Nick Clegg greets him and together they walk purposefully towards the Mall surrounded by photographers and cameramen as crowds cheer…’