26 June 2023
[iphones] How to (Really) Bypass Paywalls in Safari on iOS in 2023 … A great guide to avoiding newspaper paywalls on iPhones.
12 April 2021
[funny] Did you know you can control your phone with a piece of potato?

20 March 2019
[iphone] The first iPhone prototype: an exclusive look at Apple’s red M68 … A rare look at a prototype of the original iPhone … ‘On this particular development board, there’s even a screen, but the iPhone’s home button (known here as the menu button) is mounted on the board to the left of the display, and the power and volume buttons are on the left-hand side of the board. We got a chance to boot this prototype, and it simply powers up to the Apple logo. Engineers using this particular board would have booted into something similar to a command prompt to test kernel changes.’
25 October 2018
[iphone] iPhones are hard to use … some nicely-done criticism of Apple’s iPhone interface. ‘You have to shake your iPhone (or giant iPad Pro) to undo an action. You discover this by accident as you get up from a restaurant table with your phone in your hand, only to be greeted with an Undo Typing dialogue box. Unless you are an expert, you have no idea what just happened.’
21 July 2017
[ios] The Life, Death, and Legacy of iPhone Jailbreaking… interesting history of iPhone Jailbreaking‘For a while, the hackers spread freedom. And they gave people across the world the chance to mod their iPhone to enhance its capabilities. “There was just so much fun stuff you could do-everyone jailbroke. iPhone OS 2 people still jailbroke because people wanted themes, people wanted copy-paste,” Freeman, who is now 35, says. “There was so much basic low hanging fruit of what everyone expects a computer or phone to have that was easy to really make all those killer things.” Ten years after the iPhone hit the sleek tables of Apple Stores worldwide, and the first-ever jailbreak, that Wild West is gone. There’s now a professionalized, multi-million dollar industry of iPhone security research. It’s a world where jailbreaking itself-at least jailbreaking as we’ve come to know it-might be over…’
8 September 2016
[apple] Apple Plug‘Fill in your archaic headphone connector with beautiful aluminium and plug yourself into the future.’
2 September 2015
[iphone] Every iOS Setting You Should Check When You Get a New Phone … How to turn off the Connect social network: ‘Apple introduced a new social network in the Music app called Connect. It’s stupid, and if you don’t plan on using it, it just takes up space. You can get rid of it, but it requires a few steps. Tap on Settings > General > Restrictions and set restrictions to on. Then scroll down to Apple Music Connect and set the toggle to off. Once you’ve done that, the Connect icon in Music gets swapped out with an icon for playlists.’
7 November 2014
[wikipedia] First Drafts of History … a tumblr looking at the first draft of Wikipedia articles … The first draft of the iPhone: ‘The iPhone is born from Apple and Motorola’s Alliance. He’s simply a white Motorola E398, like Cupertino’s iPod, with a embedded version of iTunes Music Store. The iPhone has 555 mb free storage, and can transfer one hundred of AAC music files (used by the iTunes Music Store). iPhone’s interest is the price of one music on the iTunes Music Store : 0.99€, when a lot of operators is selling 2€ or 3€ one music. We may be see a opening of the music sell for the mobile in a few month. The iPhone may be come on the market July, 7, 2005, because Apple had convened all the press this day. Note of author : please rewritting my article in a correct english. thank you’
1 October 2014
[apple] And Then Steve Said, ‘Let There Be an iPhone’ … a long, fascinating read on the creation of the iPhone … ‘As early as 2003, a handful of Apple engineers had figured out how to put multitouch technology in a tablet. “The story was that Steve wanted a device that he could use to read e-mail while on the toilet – that was the extent of the product spec,” says Joshua Strickon, one of the earliest engineers on that project.’
10 April 2014
[ios] The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain… useful guide to dealing with a common issue on iPhones … ‘Step 1: Disable Location and Background App Refresh for Facebook.’
18 October 2013
[apple] Did you know that the iPhone 2G is a collector’s item?‘There are several examples of “new” iPhones with open boxes going for north of $600, with sealed boxes successfully selling for as much as $1,999.’
11 December 2012
[google] The best way to use Gmail and Google Calendar on your iPhone … useful guide to using Google services with the iPad and iPhone … ‘The trick here is combining the Gmail app with two syncing protocols called CardDAV and CalDAV (don’t worry, you’ll never actually need to know what these are to get them to work). You’ll need an iOS device running version 5.0 or above to take advantage of these, but each offers better and more powerful integration with Google’s services than just tapping “Gmail” when you first set up your email accounts on your phone. Much like the momentary pain of digging into your Facebook privacy settings, the five or ten minutes spent setting up this system will save you email stress for months to come.’
27 September 2012
[ios] iOS 6 ad-tracking opt-out … useful how-to on the options for stopping ad-tracking on the latest version of iOS for the iPad and iPhone.
19 September 2012
[apple] Who queues for an iPhone 5? Protesters, hipsters and the jobless … The Register investigates who’s queuing for an iPhone 5 outside London’s Apple Store… ‘The fact that four of the first seven queuers were making films about why people queue for iPhones speaks volumes about pre-launch iPhone hype. Given the media circus surrounding those who shun more practical methods of shopping and instead queue in the British September air, it’s not surprising that all of the first six were representing interest groups on the lookout for publicity.’
18 April 2012
[iphones] How to set up mail aliases on iPhone, iPad … useful, if fiddly tip – I’d not thought this was possible with Gmail on the iPhone.
29 March 2011
[funny] 15 Funny Autocorrects From Damn You Autocorrect!

I Meant penne!

25 November 2010
[iphone] How to Enable and Use Find My iPhone for Free on iPhone 3GS and Other Pre-2010 Devices … useful money saving tip from Lifehacker‘All you need to get free Find My iPhone access from pre-2010 devices is access to one of the supported devices.’
5 October 2010
[people] Tony Curtis goes to grave with iPhone‘The family revealed that Curtis was buried with a range of his favourite possessions, AP reports, including an iPhone, copy of his favourite novel, Anthony Adverse, a Stetson hat, an Armani scarf and a pair of driving gloves.’
13 August 2010
[iphones] 10 Unlikely iPhone Insurance Claims‘Juice from a defrosting piece of meat leaked into it ‘
11 January 2007
[iphone] 30 Things the iPhone Could Do That You Haven’t Thought of Yet’17. Bring you to tears when it falls and skids face-down across a parking lot.’