Risk Reduction Strategies on Facebook … interesting look at the cautious was some teenagers approach Facebook …‘She’ll leave a Like up for a few days for her friends to see and then delete it. When I asked her why she was deleting this content, she looked at me incredulously and told me “too much drama.” Pushing further, she talked about how people were nosy and it was too easy to get into trouble for the things you wrote a while back that you couldn’t even remember posting let alone remember what it was all about. It was better to keep everything clean and in the moment. If it’s relevant now, it belongs on Facebook, but the old stuff is no longer relevant so it doesn’t belong on Facebook. Her narrative has nothing to do with adults or with Facebook as a data retention agent. She’s concerned about how her postings will get her into unexpected trouble with her peers in an environment where saying the wrong thing always results in a fight.’

Some Teenagers Cautious Approach To Facebook

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 10th, 2010 at 7:28 pm and is filed under Facebook, Social Media.

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