15 April 2000
14 April 2000
[MP3] The shit is really starting to fly over Gnutella, MP3 and Napster… [via Slashdot Thread]
[news] Shergar is still missing in action.
13 April 2000
[onion] David Irving would probably agree with the Onion on this: Did Six Million Really Visit The Holocaust Museum?
[tech] Wap phones are like ZX Spectrums [Text Only]. Hmmm… nice idea…
[mayor for london] Let’s play Fantasy Mayor … enter your preferences on 15 key issues and fantasy mayor will tell you which candidate to vote for. [via ChrisH]
Two murders that won’t go away : Sam Sheppard is still a fugitive. Jeffrey MacDonald still protests his innocence… MacDonald’s pregnant wife and two children were murdered in Feb 1970 a month before I was born… over thirty years ago. Murders cast long shadows, I guess.
12 April 2000
[personal shite] Just thought of a title for a great war comic: VICAR WITH A GUN (IN MONTE CASSINO). [It saddens me to admit that I am thirty years old and still think of stuff like that… What is wrong with me?]
[weblogs] The daddy and mummy of weblogging have an argument. [Update: Jorn’s response]
[uk news] newsUnlimited covers anti-vivisectionists protesting outside the houses of investors in Huntingdon Life Sciences.
[nazi] Steve Bell’s brilliant cartoon on Irving.
[nazi] David Irving loses his libel case. The Guardian headlines with — Irving: consigned to history as a racist liar — which sums up my feelings. Here is newsUnlimited’s special report.
11 April 2000
[mp3] Yahoo News reports on Napster’s defense [via slashdot thread]
[comics] BBC News reports that Dan Dare is fifty.
[the horror! the horror!] newsUnlimited interviews Jimmy Saville. [Text Only]
10 April 2000
[tech] Zdnet provides an interesting history of MP3. You can’t stop the music…
[weblogs] Jim Roepcke has come up with a really cool interface to the favourites facility of For example here is:’s, Daily Doozer’s and Barbelith’s.
[WE] New column from Warren Ellis. He recommends you go read Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. I agree… one of the best comics ever…
[lastminute] is best known UK travel brand on the Internet according to a new survey.
9 April 2000
[tech] A UK Archbishop warns that the internet is evil [Low Graphics]. Has he actually used it, I wonder?
7 April 2000
[tech]’s bulletin board on MP3 encoders. [via Random ($foo)]
[GM] Hmmm… the Invisibles seem to have got
[two unrelated links?] Queen’s shares fall. How Pac-Man and Mrs Pac-Man have sex… [update: Queenie’s shares have rallied as 2.30pm]