2 June 2000
[comics] The Grand Comic Book Database — These people take their comic books seriously!
1 June 2000
[comics] newsUnlimited talks to Alan Moore. “‘I can remember the exact panel during the writing of From Hell when I became interested in magic,’ he says. ‘Gull says that one place that gods inarguably exist is in the human mind. I wrote that sentence, and noticed the word ‘inarguable’, which is quite a big word, and that was the beginning of the end. I thought, ‘I can’t see why that isn’t true. And if it is true, then I’m probably going to have to change the whole of my life to fit around it.'”
31 May 2000
[comics] Dork is one of my very favourite comics. You can find more from Evan Dorkin at the House of Fun. [voice-in-head: must…. buy… Eltingville T-Shirt!!]
30 May 2000
[comics] Nicely designed comic site: Alex Tam’s Starman Compendium.
29 May 2000
[comics] Alan Moore in Love. “Oh, Darling? I know it’s difficult for you! It’s difficult for ME, as well! I mean, you ARE married, and English, and you have two lovely daughters my age, and you seem to think you can levitate, and you’re always talking about your birth caul, and you haven’t had a haircut since Elvis was popular, and you produce a ten page book of footnotes after every date, and I have so little to offer a man like you?!” [via Adventures At 50 Feet]
28 May 2000
[comics] Alan Moore asks What is reality?
27 May 2000
[comics] Rich Johnson on The Cult of Warren Ellis. “And the thin and wiry Our Lord Warren Ellis was no longer thin and wiry, and started to buy Armani suits and some of his followers thought to themselves, hang on, he’s raking it in with this Excalibur lark.”
26 May 2000
[comics] Excellent Daredevil website [via pearls that are his eyes]
25 May 2000
[comics] Cool Beans! There’s a new issue of Stray Bullets out…
24 May 2000
[comics] Frank Miller talks about the sequel to Dark Knight Returns.
23 May 2000
[comics] Nicely illustrated Eddie Campbell interview. “[…]but I would say that the impetus to draw these pages derives from an urge to record the world around me, to record a little piece of now and save it for tomorrow. “
22 May 2000
[comics] Old Warren Ellis interview. “Hm. Jamie’s one with the monkey was brilliant. The first episode of his FEAR MACHINE sequence was marvellously solid, too. Several of Garth’s issues were standouts, including the Special, “Confessional.” Gaiman’s “Hold Me” was, to my mind, one of the most honest and natural things he’s ever done, certainly among his best work. I’d be hard pressed to choose a single issue.” – what’s his favourite issue of Hellblazer.
21 May 2000
[comics] Adrian Tomine’s diary on Slate explains why cartooning is better than a real job: “Producing an issue of my comic book is a slow, arduous process, and right now I’m a little more than halfway done with Issue 7. Last night I spent more than an hour tinkering with one line of dialogue. I tried five or six different variations, finally settling on the simplest and shortest: “What the hell’s your problem?” Brilliant, huh?”
20 May 2000
[comics] How to be cheap by Joe Matt.
17 May 2000
[comics] Warren Ellis seems to be doing a lot of little bits of writing for themestream. Of special note: Warren Ellis: Why I Write Comics and England, In The Summertime: LIQUID CITY
14 May 2000
[comics] Lots of interesting rumours about comics over at Ramblings 2000. Mark Millar talks about his new vampire TV series for Channel 4 called Sikeside: “The big difference between me and Buffy is that Sikeside is going to be the most appalling thing ever seen on TV… and I mean in terms of bad taste. It really, really, really, really is absolutely horrific and a response to all the overseas vampire dross we’ve been subjected to. I promise you won’t have seen this stuff before.”
13 May 2000
[comics] Warren Ellis talks about Cerebus. “Dave Sim is more than a little mad, as I think anyone who’s read a great deal of CEREBUS would attest to. Us old lefties instinctively shy away from someone who communicates what is at best gynephobia and at worst pure bloody misanthropy in the way that Sim does, even allowing for the dichotomy between auctorial intent and personal belief. But as a creator I keep coming back to Sim for his masterful, hugely inventive storytelling. Creatively, he’s the mutant bastard child of Will Eisner, The Studio artists (Barry Windsor-Smith and those guys) and Chuck Jones.”
11 May 2000
[comics] Marvel to abandon comics for videogames and Movies? “The simple paper medium of comic books just isn’t cutting it in the age of video’s flashy special effects, explosive audio and interactive action.” – The Wall Street Journal. [via Ghost in the Machine] SOMEBODY DIES! BY MARVEL BETRAYED!! EVERY BUSINESS EXEC MY ENEMY… COMICS… FIGHTS… ON! I’M BORN AGAIN! A COMIC BOOK WITHOUT HOPE…. IS A COMIC BOOK WITHOUT FEAR!!! MY… SPLEEN… EXPLODES…
8 May 2000
[weblogs] USS Catastrophe — a weblog about comics…
6 May 2000
[comics] Shit! People are still worrying if Dave Sim is a misogynist or not! “If you look at her and see anything besides emptiness, fear and emotional hunger, you are looking at the parts of yourself which have been consumed to that point.”Dave Sim. If you’re interested check out for more details on Sim’s comic….
5 May 2000
[comics] Grant Morrison posts on Nexus: ‘Imagination is the Fuel of the 21st Century. I’ll be right here on and off for the rest of the week at least. Ready to start fucking with the future, padre?’
1 May 2000
[comics] Whatever happened to Reverso-Brendan McCarthy? [via 2000AD Links Project]
[comics] Comicon reports Alan Moore is to change his name to “Alan Marvel-Vagina!” [second story on that page]
30 April 2000
[comics] PopImage has a fantastic profile on Matt Wagner and his work (creator of Grendel, Mage and various other comics).
29 April 2000
[comics] DC Comics ordered the complete print run of Alan Moore’s League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen #5 destroyed because the reproduction of a Victorian age advertisement contains the phrases “Marvel Douche Company” and “vaginal”. Moore comments: ‘My parents raised me as a gentleman and everyone at Marvel should rest assured that I would never make reference to any person there as a “douchebag”.’
28 April 2000
[comics] “Nothing ends that isn’t something else starting. So which side are you on? Do you know yet?” I’ve just read the last issue of the Invisibles… [Personal Shite]

If you want to find out more about the Invisibles check out: The Bomb and the Nexus.
27 April 2000
[comics] The final issue of the Invisibles is out. I still have not got a copy — deliveries in the UK were delayed by the bank holiday on Monday!
[comics] Warren Ellis reports that he will produce a run of three-issue serials, original graphic novels and trade paperbacks for Image Comics.
26 April 2000
[comics] Neil Gaiman has a website.
[comics] Ain’t it Cool reports that Neil Gaiman is to direct two films Death: The High Cost of Living and another called Chivalry. Also Frank Miller is returning to mainstream comics … he will work on a Daredevil story with Bill Sienkiewicz and sequel to Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and possibly something with John Romita Jr.
23 April 2000
[comics] What is Hypertime?
22 April 2000
[comics] Tom gets an email from Grant Morrison! [why don’t I get emails from Grant? WHY?? WHY?? I’ve been a good soldier… I read Zoids for fucks sake, Grant! :) ]
21 April 2000
[comics] Pretty unbelievable rumour: Michael Jackson and Stan Lee to buy Marvel comics? [check out the “Who’s bad” Section]
20 April 2000
[comics] Box Office Poison is one of my favorite comics at the moment.
19 April 2000
[comics] Steve Bell’s favourite comics.
18 April 2000
[comics] Warren Ellis reviews Eddie Campbell’s Alec stories in the new Come In Alone.
[comics] Whatever happened to Joe Matt?
[comics] Alan’s Moore’s Twilight of the Superheroes can still be found on the web — if you know where to look. . ‘We have a powerful and intense sequence where Superman manages to smash his way through a lot of the alien forces single-handed while being ring-whipped by the Lanterns, only to finally be beaten to death in single combat by the massive and frighteningly powerful Sodal Yat.’
17 April 2000
[comics] The 2000AD Links Project is full of interesting web sites about the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic.
15 April 2000
[Comics] AnotherUniverse reports that Peter Bagge is being forced out of comics by the poor market…
[funny] Superfriends Whassup?
13 April 2000
[Comics] Frank Miller to do a sequel to Batman: Dark Knight Returns?
11 April 2000
[comics] BBC News reports that Dan Dare is fifty.
10 April 2000
[WE] New column from Warren Ellis. He recommends you go read Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. I agree… one of the best comics ever…
7 April 2000
[GM] Hmmm… the Invisibles seem to have got
3 April 2000
[GM] Nice Grant Morrison Interview.
31 March 2000
[Comics] Lots of comics links today… but this link was to good to pass up…. a column about… erm…. Bizarre Breasts in comic books [via]
[Comics] I’ve been buying the Stormwatch TPB’s that cover most of Warren Ellis’ run on the book. It’s good stuff — but I was totally confused about which order to read them in. There are four books… anyway I found this posting and all is suddenly clear… Oh yeah, Warren’s just posted a new Come In Alone column as well…
[GM] Excellent! You can now browse the OneList archives of The Invisibles and TemporaryNexus mailing lists by each individual post rather than by daily digest versions.
30 March 2000
[Comics] Diamond Previews covers Grant Morrison’s Marvel Boy. [scroll to the botton of the page!]