19 March 2000
[lastminute] Some fallout from’s recent ipo: BBC News report on delivery times for a bottle of Champagne from Lastminute and here’s a copy of the lastminute FAQ from Motley Fool’s chat forum.
[Comics] I am a reformed X-Men fan. I have not picked up a copy of this comic since the early ’90’s and my peak X-Men reading year was probably 1988-89. That was until last week… when I picked up an issue of Generation-X scripted by Warren Ellis. Here’s a trailer for the X-Men film which comes out this summer. I don’t want to be a born again X-Fan. I’m nearly thirty…. I’m too old for this shit….
[my-head-hurts] Interview in The Observer with David Irving. It’s too early in the morning to be reading the views of people like this.
18 March 2000
[Major for London] More dirty tricks? Ken strikes back… check out this link. [via Haddock]
[Comics] New “Come In Alone” column by Warren Ellis in CBR. “Comics are plain, conservative, old-looking objects. And this sacred bloody ugliness bores into the brains of people immersed in the culture too long, until they see nothing wrong with it.”
[my-head-hurts] God help us… todays big news is that David Beckham has had a haircut.
[Mayor for London] 101 Things you never knew about Ken. [via The View From Here]
[Telly] Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) retuns on BBC1 tonight. I’ve been looking forward to this for a while…. You can find Trailers here.
17 March 2000
[internet] icontown [via The Face magazine — does The Face have a web site?]
[movies] I’ve just found the trailer for the movie High Fidelity which is based on Nick Hornby’s book. Don’t think I’ll be watching that one…
[london] I booked tickets for the London Eye today. According to the Guardian the London Eye is the place to be seen….
[Mayor for London] The gloves start to come off in the race to become London’s mayor as the first signs of dirty tricks appear
16 March 2000
My hour is up. More later…
[mp3] Wired News reports that AOL has shutdown an open-source Napster clone written by Nullsoft creators of Winamp. Slashdot has a discussion thread on this.
The Guardian on easyEverything — this article captures the atmosphere pretty well. I’ve been visiting a lot recently — trying to cut those peak-rate phone bills — and it reminds me of the university computer rooms I used to work and study in.
[personal shite] It’s another one hour powerblog from easyEverything. Tom from Barbelith links to me! Yes I sometimes do this in the easyEverything from TCR… it’s close to GOSH!, Forbidden Planet and it’s on my way home from work… Thanks for the Link, Tom.
15 March 2000
The Guardian shines a spotlight on Alastair Campbell — Tony Blair’s press secretary. He does not seem to know very much about the Human Genome Project. I am not impressed.
My hour at easyEverything is up. I’m outta here…
[Mayor for London] Ken Livingstone broke Common’s rules on registered interests — apparently about 150, 000 squids worth of outside interests. What next? Stories on Ken’s flirtations with underage girls, drugs and sweets? Dobbo and the Rent Boys on Hampstead Heath?
[movies] BBC News confirms that Speilberg’s next project will be AI — Stanley Kubrick’s unfinished (unstarted?) film about artificial intelligence. I love Kubrick films but Eyes Wide Shut was just awful…. sorry Stanley!! AI has been 30 years in the making… hopefully Speilberg can do justice to Kubrick’s vision — whatever that was.
Has anybody ever seen Rasputin and Alan Moore in the same room? Inquiring minds want to know…
[personal shite] Okay…. I’m sitting in the easyEverything in Tottenham Court Road. My legs hurt… I’m thirsty… Let’s Blog!
14 March 2000
Hey! Barbelith is being updated again… Probably the best UK blog around…. Check out The Bomb while you’re there….
Books Unlimited lists Mohamed al Fayed’s favourite books. Here’s a link to the BBC News profile of al Fayed from late last year.
The OED goes online. The Oxford English Dictionary took seventy years to complete. The fascinating story behind it’s creation can be found in the book The Professor and the Madman. Here’s a link to the OED’s page on it’s history.
[lastminute] Various Links on Lastminute: Comment from NewsUnlimited. The current share price from UKinvest and finally the site in question: