[socialmedia] The Lonely Life of a Yacht Influencer … Profiling the life of a Instagram influencer. ‘Jimenez leveled with me – once upon a time, he had been excited by the idea of partying on a yacht. After all, who wouldn’t be? But now he was basically just a working stiff. He too had a home and a family, with kids he didn’t see as much as he could because his “feet were never on dry land.” He had considerable yacht expertise and knew all the major players in the yacht world, buyers and sellers and their glorious boats. He had been on the 100-foot yachts and the 500-foot yachts, and seen yacht-related activities he assured me exceeded any fantasies, dark or light, that I could ever imagine. Yet all that meant he was now just another yacht worker, someone who punched the clock – or the pearl-faced wristwatch, in his case – the same as the kitchen staff, the bartenders and the yacht’s crew.’

Profiling the Working Life of a Instagram Yacht Influencer

This entry was posted on Monday, February 18th, 2019 at 11:45 am and is filed under Life, Social Media.

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