[cthulhu] Look, All I’m Saying Is Let’s At Least Give Nyarlathotep A Chance‘But the die has been cast, and we’ve gotta roll with what we’ve been given. Like it or not, Nyarlathotep – God of a Thousand Forms, Stalker Among the Stars – is our Commander-in-Chief now. And you know what, Jerry? Color me curious. I know a lot of really heated rhetoric and seemingly reckless policy proposals have been bandied about over the past few months – that bit about “delighting in this dust speck you call Earth’s senseless suffering” still bugs me – but hey, the least we can do is see how He adjusts to His new responsibilities.’

Look, All I’m Saying Is Let’s At Least Give Nyarlathotep A Chance

This entry was posted on Friday, November 18th, 2016 at 12:45 pm and is filed under Cthulhu, Funny, H. P. Lovecraft, Politics.

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