[text] Bacon Ipsum … Generate a meaty Lorem ipsum‘Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet tri-tip flank tenderloin, pork chop beef tail cow pork belly rump venison ribeye pork pig. Pastrami strip steak shank salami hamburger venison, pig flank beef pork loin rump. Bacon meatball tongue, rump sirloin corned beef shoulder. Shankle tri-tip shank strip steak, pancetta sausage corned beef shoulder pork chop tenderloin. Jerky beef chuck, beef ribs jowl t-bone brisket ham hock venison salami sirloin ground round pork belly bacon. Pig ham hock pork chop pancetta tongue salami. Sausage meatball short loin, pastrami bacon ham boudin venison.’

Bacon Ipsum

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 16th, 2011 at 8:41 am and is filed under Funny, Weird.

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