[books] Spoof Amazon Customer Reviews for Richard Littlejohn’s New Book: ‘After reading this searing deconstruction of our liberal, permissive society, I was almost blind with rage. And so I followed Littlejohnson’s example and did the only thing open to a red-blooded, patriotic Briton: I buggered off to America. Luckily, before I left I went out speeding one last time and managed to run over an immigrant, who I believe was also homosexual – as is my God-given right as an Englishman. God bless you, Littlejohnson, God bless you.’ [via]

Spoof Amazon Customer Reviews for Richard Littlejohn’s New Book

This entry was posted on Friday, May 18th, 2007 at 8:43 am and is filed under Books, Funny.

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I think these were largely due to Charlie Brooker’s influence –,,2074138,00.html – there were only two reviews when that piece of his got published…

Hilarious stuff though, ‘eh?

Best line: Richard Littlejohn has, in just 320 pages, done what took Hitler over 600!

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