[funny] Some Amusing Classified Ads …

Update: Sick Children, Genocide and other Funny Stuff — a number of readers have pointed out these ads were created by Jimmy Carr — I got them from a viral email doing the rounds … ‘The “other stuff” section of this year’s show sees Carr read from small ads that he has placed in various unsuspecting buying-and-selling publications. “They’re just quirky little things,” he says. ” ‘For sale: bonsai tree – large.’ There’s another advert in which I’m selling some rubber sheets for £40; £45 clean. Which is quite funny, but I’m doing that in the watersports section of Loot, which I think is a joy.”‘

Update: Sick Children, Genocide and other Funny Stuff — a number of readers have pointed out these ads were created by Jimmy Carr — I got them from a viral email doing the rounds … ‘The “other stuff” section of this year’s show sees Carr read from small ads that he has placed in various unsuspecting buying-and-selling publications. “They’re just quirky little things,” he says. ” ‘For sale: bonsai tree – large.’ There’s another advert in which I’m selling some rubber sheets for £40; £45 clean. Which is quite funny, but I’m doing that in the watersports section of Loot, which I think is a joy.”‘
Some Amusing Classified Ads
This entry was posted on Monday, January 17th, 2005 at 8:25 am and is filed under Funny.
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You have too much time on your hands.
The ads are Jimmy Carr’s.
“He is equally assured when he leaves the mike stand to unveil a series of classified ads (featured among a strong selection of extras) he placed in local newspapers. Imagine scanning the “Lost” section and finding an entry that reads: “Virginity. Yes! Get in!””
Thanks. A few readers have let me know where they came from. I’ve updated the post.
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