[comics] Who Cares? — Jack Chick on 9/11 … [via Metafilter]

‘Bob, now I know that Allah doesn’t really love me or even care about any Muslim. But Jesus, the Son of God, does. That’s why I must chose Jesus.’

‘Bob, now I know that Allah doesn’t really love me or even care about any Muslim. But Jesus, the Son of God, does. That’s why I must chose Jesus.’
Jack Chick on 9/11
This entry was posted on Monday, January 6th, 2003 at 12:21 pm and is filed under 911, Comics, Jack Chick, Religion.
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Now that *is* scary…
oh that is sheer class – i was particularly keen on the section that suggested king james the first was the greatest british monarch who united the warring tribes of scotland with the english people to create the british empire – all in order to justify the king james bible as the “true” bible. how pesky for early christians not to have been able to read god’s word in olde englishe.
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