[comics] Alan Moore in Egomania #2: ‘”Approaching forty […] I was also starting to become more and more fascinated by the big taboo question of creativity, which also leads on to the big taboo question of consciousness, namely, “What is it and how does it work?” And also, of course, “How can I profit from it, move to Peterborough and live like a king?”‘ [via WEF]

Alan Moore on the Big Taboo Question of Consciousness

This entry was posted on Saturday, September 28th, 2002 at 8:39 am and is filed under Alan Moore, Comics.

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Where is this interview? Is it online? And if not, where did you get the quote from?????

It’s not on the internet. A number of quotes were published on the WEF earlier in the week.

I liked the Peterborough quote. I’m from East Anglia. :)

Hey, don’t knock it. I honeymooned in Peterborough.

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