8 May 2000
[internet] BBC News looks at’s prospects — competition from Microsoft Napster and Shoutcast seem to be the main problems!
7 May 2000
[web] I’ve been trying to find the best on-line bookmark manager on the web — blink seems to be the best of the bunch (at least for me).
4 May 2000
[MP3] The Register points out that the phrase MP3 has been sprayed on statues and walls in Whitehall after the Mayday protest: ‘Quite why these hardened anarchists and eco-twats felt the need to paint a computer format alongside cries for revolution is unclear – is this the first sign of an internet generation, lost and disillusioned and unable to function without a keyboard, crying out for attention? Who cares.’
3 May 2000
[tech] Slashdot reports that the Internet goes into orbit after a satellite is pinged from earth. 15 minute ping times, sure. But how the fsck will RIAA stop us from downloading MP3s when the servers are located in deep space? :) :) :)
30 April 2000
[uk internet] BBC News is reporting that T-Online wants to buy Freeserve.
28 April 2000
[uk] jobsUnlimited reports on the man who got fired for having porn delivered to his workplace the old fashioned way. “The tribunal decides against Steve in a relatively uncensorious fashion. There seems to be a tacit agreement that he has suffered enough. We can all go home and forget about Planet Mammary. Am still puzzled myself about double anal. But please don’t write in to explain.”
27 April 2000
[tv] FilmFour to broadcast banned sex scenes on web. FilmFour will show a doctored version of The Idiots, which caused controversy when it was given a cinema certificate, on its subscription channel. But it will “webcast” the most controversial scenes, uncut, on its website.
20 April 2000
[politics] Tory MP admits to surfing for porn: New Forest West’s Desmond Swayne told MPs it was only the Commons division bell that stopped him from lingering with a sense of “fascination” over a porn site.
10 April 2000
[lastminute] is best known UK travel brand on the Internet according to a new survey.
9 April 2000
[tech] A UK Archbishop warns that the internet is evil [Low Graphics]. Has he actually used it, I wonder?
2 April 2000
[internet] newsUnlimited meets the man who sued the world [Text Only]. Very interesting profile of Laurence Godfrey — he sued Demon a UK ISP after it failed to removed some nasty comments about him posted on soc.culture.thai Usenet newsgroup [BBC News Story] .
22 March 2000
[random] I would have thought that the phrase “The revolution will be netcast!” would be on a lot more sites than it actually is. Interesting…
19 March 2000
[lastminute] Some fallout from’s recent ipo: BBC News report on delivery times for a bottle of Champagne from Lastminute and here’s a copy of the lastminute FAQ from Motley Fool’s chat forum.
17 March 2000
[internet] icontown [via The Face magazine — does The Face have a web site?]
16 March 2000
The Guardian on easyEverything — this article captures the atmosphere pretty well. I’ve been visiting a lot recently — trying to cut those peak-rate phone bills — and it reminds me of the university computer rooms I used to work and study in.
[personal shite] It’s another one hour powerblog from easyEverything. Tom from Barbelith links to me! Yes I sometimes do this in the easyEverything from TCR… it’s close to GOSH!, Forbidden Planet and it’s on my way home from work… Thanks for the Link, Tom.
15 March 2000
[lastminute] Steve Bell on
14 March 2000
The OED goes online. The Oxford English Dictionary took seventy years to complete. The fascinating story behind it’s creation can be found in the book The Professor and the Madman. Here’s a link to the OED’s page on it’s history.
[lastminute] Various Links on Lastminute: Comment from NewsUnlimited. The current share price from UKinvest and finally the site in question:
[lastminute ipo] BBC News reports that lastminute floats at 3.80 a share.
13 March 2000
Yet another “is the Internet bubble going to burst” article. The IPO seems to be generating a bunch of them in the UK press.
[lastminute ipo] According to News Unlimited — lastminute is likely to be heavily over subscribed.
12 March 2000
Yet another “is the Technology bubble going to burst?” article.
9 March 2000 up’s it’s share price.
Be Afraid. MI5 is watching your email according to the BBC — especially if you get emails from David Shayler
8 March 2000
The Internet has been in the news alot today in the UK. Various Links: Nine high flying tech stocks join the FTSE-100 according to BBC News. BT to offer free net access — rather expensive unmetered access! This is London reports on the ipo.
According to The Economist the Internet is running out of names!
7 March 2000
BBC News reports that the Internet price war is starting to hot up in the UK. I’ve recently moved over to — £9.99 a month for unlimited access at weekends and week-day nights.
6 March 2000
Web Applications that I’m using a lot lately: and