24 May 2011
[comics] The AV Club Interviews Chester Brown

AV Club: Is there some reason so many cartoonists have such idiosyncratic political and social views? Peter Bagge is a libertarian as well, and Steve Ditko is an objectivist, and R. Crumb has his odd open marriage, and then there’s whatever Dave Sim’s got going on.

Chester Brown: [Laughs.]

30 April 2011
[comics] CR Review: Paying For It … another review of Chester Brown’s latest autobiographical comic this time from Tom Spurgeon‘There’s a jittery undercurrent to Brown’s work that shimmies to the surface at odd and unexpected times, a queasy energy unlike anything else in comics. That noted, it’s always enormously fun to read Brown, and Paying For It proves no exception. There’s little I can write that will ever do justice to the enormous visceral pleasure that can come with spending time in Brown’s version of reality.’
13 April 2011
[comics] Chester Brown’s Paying For It Reviewed … the first review I’ve seen of what will likely be the most controversial comic of the year‘The social cues he seems unable to pick up on, the rituals he is congenitally incapable of performing, the years and decades of accrued guilt and sense of failure he built up from missing out on potential romantic or sexual relationships, the elaborate and to-him draining emotional quid pro quo of sex within the context of the few relationships he was able to enter into and maintain (that’s the context in which he really “paid for it”) … all of that disappeared the moment he told his first whore “Uh, I’d… like to have vaginal intercourse with you.” (“Yes, that’s what I really said,” he assures us helpfully in the “Notes” section.)’
22 September 2010
[comics] Paying For It — Long-Rumored Chester Brown Graphic Memoir Officially Announced By D+Q For Spring 2011‘Following months of flashes and brief mentions that Chester Brown was working on a comics memoir about his experiences as a customer for prostitution, Drawn & Quarterly announced today that the book in question will come out in Spring 2011 and will be called Paying For It. Its publisher promising a mix of the personal and the polemical combining the issues explored in 1992’s The Playboy with the political awareness suffusing 2003’s Louis Riel…’
12 July 2010
[comics] Go Look: Chester Brown’s Movie Poster For Year Of The Canivore … also: here’s the movie trailer on YouTube to provide some background on the movie … (more…)
3 October 2008
[comics] Brown Now! … a comic interview with Chester Brown looking at his libertarian political beliefs. [via Mondo A-Go-Go]
12 May 2005
[comics] My Mom was a Schizophrenic — Chester Brown’s comic-strip on the history and medical classification of Schizophrenia

Chester Brown's My Mom was a Schizophrenic

18 January 2004
[comics] Chronicling The Revolutionary — interview with Chester Brown about Louis Riel – includes update about Joe Matt …

‘NRAMA: Did Joe Matt move back to Canada?

CB: Nope he’s in Los Angeles right now. He’s in negotiations with HBO to make Peepshow into a television series and it looks like it might happen. I’m not sure if a deal has actually been signed but if it hasn’t then its close. At least they’ll make a pilot.

NRAMA: Who will play you?

CB: I don’t know. Maybe I’m not even in the pilot.’

15 August 2003
[comics] Louis’ Toons — interview with Chester Brown as he wraps up his comic book biography of Louis Riel. ‘…is a comic book able to carry the complicated portrait of a life? Ultimately, yes. Brown has winnowed Riel’s story into a fast-paced tale that, despite its relatively slim page count, contains about the same amount of detail as one might find in a cinematic biopic. The result is a story that entertains as well as informs, and it would make an excellent addition to the curriculum of high-school history classes. Apart from its academic value, it’s a great read, an accessible pop work…’ [Related: Preview of Louis Riel | via Pete’s Organic Link Farm]
16 May 2002
[comics] An interview with Chester Brown covering all aspects of his career … along with an excellent republished comic strip — My Mom Was A Schizophrenic. Brown on Peep Show: ‘I think there are a lot of people out there who do think that the person in Peepshow is me, portrayed accurately. They don’t take into account the fact that JOE MATT IS A LYING BASTARD!’ [via WEF]
27 February 2002
[comics] Some important comic-related research — Two Playboy Playmates that Chester Brown mentions in his autobiographical comic The Playboy [Links below not safe for work] …

‘So — What are you feeling? Disgust with yourself for having bought such a publication. The typical self loathing you always feel after masturbating. Annoyance that you didn’t check out the skin colour of the playmate before buying the magazine. That last one leading to more feelings of self loathing — this is the first time in your life that you’ve had to face the fact that at some level you’re a racist. If only you’d never bought the damn thing, eh?’ — Chester Brown.