[docu] The 78 Best Documentaries of All Time A great list of documentaries from Vogue. … ‘The Fog of War – Errol Morris’s Academy Award-winning portrait of Robert S. McNamara-roundly recognized (and vilified) as the architect of the Vietnam War-organizes his subject’s reflections on his life and career into a list of maxims about war and human error, with what The New York Times called “the cumulative message suggesting that in wartime nobody in power really knows anything.” It is not a film meant to reassure its viewer. “Believing and seeing are both often wrong,” goes one lesson. “Rationality will not save us,” says another. The final (and saddest) is delivered by Mr. McNamara with a smile: “You can’t change human nature.”’

The Best Documentaries of All Time

This entry was posted on Friday, December 17th, 2021 at 11:43 am and is filed under Documentaries.

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