[games] Looking Back at Lode Runner … A nicely-done history / appreciation of the 1983 computer game. ‘Playing each level entails first experimenting and dying – dying a lot – until you can devise a thoroughgoing plan for how to tackle it. Then, it’s just a matter of executing the plan perfectly; this is where the action elements come into play. The levels in Lode Runner are dynamic enough that getting through them doesn’t require stumbling across a single rote, set-piece solution envisioned by the designer; there’s space here for player creativity, space for variation, space for quick thinking that gets you out of an unanticipated jam – or that fails to do so just when you believe you’re on the brink of victory.’

Looking Back at Lode Runner

This entry was posted on Thursday, December 24th, 2020 at 11:37 am and is filed under Computer Games.

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