[politics] An Oral History of Dominic Cummings’s Barnard Castle Scandal‘Reporters gather outside Cummings’s house for a second morning… Minnie Stephenson, Channel 4 news reporter: He was taking such a long time to come out, and it was freezing, so I Deliveroo-ed two coffees to my house, for me and the cameraman. And then, sod’s law, as soon as the driver arrives with the coffee, Cummings comes out. I’m running after Cummings, asking him my question – I think I said, “Is it one rule for you and one rule for everyone else?” – and meanwhile, this poor, bewildered Deliveroo driver is in the background, holding the coffees. You can actually see him in the footage.’

An Oral History of Dominic Cummings’s Barnard Castle Scandal

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 22nd, 2020 at 2:41 pm and is filed under Cummings, Politics.

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