[space] What happens to your body when you die in space? … Just how do you deal with a corpse in space? … ‘The realistic options for a deceased crewmember-cannibalism, cold storage in the trash room, being freeze-dried and shaken into a million frozen flakes-lack the dignity we associate with the majestic endeavor of spaceflight. But Wolpe doesn’t think humankind will have a hard time adjusting to the harsh realities of posthumous treatment in space. We already accept that Earthbound explorers may suffer indignities if they die in the field. Wolpe sees Mount Everest as a perfect Earthly analogue for the future Mars missions: when people die, their bodies just stay there. Forever.’

What happens to your body when you die in space?

This entry was posted on Monday, September 14th, 2020 at 5:26 pm and is filed under Space.

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