[life] Was Jeanne Calment the Oldest Person Who Ever Lived-or a Fraud? … A deep dive into the world of Gerontology and the mystery of Jeanne Calment. ‘The passage of time often quells controversy, but, in the Calment case, it only unsettled the dust. As the world’s population continued to grow, the cohort of people living to the age of a hundred and twenty-two did not. More than two decades after Calment’s death, her record still stood, making her a more conspicuous outlier with every year that went by. Either she had lived longer than any human being ever or she had executed an audacious fraud. As one observer wrote, “Both are highly unlikely life stories but one is true.”’

Oldest Person Who Ever Lived OR Fraud?

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 13th, 2020 at 11:37 am and is filed under Life.

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