[movies] Ghostbusters’ Slimer was created in a cocaine frenzy, artist who made him says … The surprising creation story of Ghostbusters’ Slimer. ‘He found out that Harold Ramis and Dan Ackroyd had always wanted Slimer in John Belushi’s likeness as a tribute to their deceased friend-something no one had bothered to tell Johnson throughout the six-month process of creating the ghost. (“I said, What the fuck are you talking about?” he adds.) So that night, Johnson took an eight ball of coke, cut up a gram of cocaine on top of a stack of headshots of Belushi, and that’s when things started to get creative…’

How Ghostbusters’ Slimer Was Created…

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 1st, 2018 at 11:45 am and is filed under Movies.

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