[truecrime] Outside the Manson Pinkberry … a long, thoughful dive into the world of Manson Family bloggers‘I found the Manson Bloggers so intent on each other that my arrival barely registered. They were talking shop with the eagerness of model-train enthusiasts. I grabbed a beer and tried to follow the rapid-fire discussion about unsolved Northern California murders and Roman Polanski’s sexual preferences. It was tricky-like all subcultures, when the Manson Bloggers feel safe, they speak in a kind of in-group argot, full of nicknames, acronyms, and arcane references. There were hardly any mentions of husbands, wives, children, jobs, any of the infrastructure of daily life. Instead, they gossiped about minor Manson Family characters as if they were mutual friends.’

A Deep Dive into the World of Manson Family Bloggers…

This entry was posted on Friday, November 10th, 2017 at 12:37 pm and is filed under Blogs, People, True Crime.

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