[tv] Too Weird for Prime Time … Salon looks at what killed Twin Peaks … ‘The dominant media narrative-even in the above SNL skit, in which Kyle MacLachlan, in character as Cooper, bullheadedly ignores plain-as-day evidence about the killer-was that Twin Peaks was toying with viewers. For the network and a sizable portion of the TV audience, at a time when most shows tied up loose ends and reverted to the status quo in time for the late news, the idea that the creators of Twin Peaks might be making it up as they went along was cause for alarm. “It had better be able to satisfy the whodunit desires of viewers weaned on Columbo and Perry Mason,” the Chicago Tribune cautioned before the Twin Peaks pilot had even aired.’

What Killed Twin Peaks?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, November 25th, 2015 at 7:36 pm and is filed under TV.

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