[comics] Jonathan Ross Meets Jim Steranko, His Comic-Book Hero‘Spend an hour with Jim Steranko and, if he’s in the mood, he’ll regale you with the most extraordinary tales. Are they true, I have asked myself more than once, or is he a fantasist? Has his love of storytelling and the creation of modern myths bled into his own life story until he can no longer tell the two apart? Well, now that I’ve met him, I believe them all to be true, just as I believe it when he tells me he still runs miles every day, pumps iron, and fornicates blissfully like a man a third his age. He is unique. He is Steranko. He is the greatest.’

Jonathan Ross Meets Jim Steranko

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 at 10:32 am and is filed under Comics.

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