[film] Postive review of Austin Powers in Goldmember‘Who else but Myers can deliver this kind of exuberant, ambitious, mainstream screen comedy? Adam Sandler? Chris Rock? They are simply not in his league. In the course of an interview to promote this movie, Michael Caine has again unburdened himself of his view that Britain is a nation of losers and that he is not appreciated here. A baffling view, considering that he has been knighted, honoured and otherwise idolised. But I wonder if his chronic discontent may have been reawakened by this film: the fact that it takes a Canadian working in Hollywood to satirise a British icon so persuasively, so affectionately, and with such mouth-watering box-office results? Isn’t that what we should be doing with our industry?’ [Related: Trailer]

Guardian Reviews Austin Powers: Goldmember

This entry was posted on Friday, July 26th, 2002 at 2:52 pm and is filed under Movies.

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