[blogs] Feeling Listless Logo Archive — I really like these logos… my favorite‘the best option was to combine the name of the site with it’s subject matter, my life and how I feel about the latest cultural events. And so I struck upon the idea of cultural artifacts which mean something to me (to a greater or lesser extent) also expressing the name of the site. The picture at the top would be as much a part of the weblog and the writing. This is an ongoing record of these logos …’ [Related: Feeling Listless]

Feeling Listless Logo Archive

This entry was posted on Monday, April 8th, 2002 at 8:50 pm and is filed under Blogs, UKblogs.

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it’s darren’s fault i had that dream about you, y’know, stu. and i’m vaguely recalling now that it was about the logos…

it wasn’t me!

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