[random weblogs] Doozer has left the building. Trying to fill the gap I find: Irish WeblogsNot-so-Soft talks about the electronic traces you leave behind [She is right… Check out a Google search on: Darren S********], Lukelog blogs foreskins and finally, Blue Lines covers the horror that is sports lessons“I’m am amazed that this survey can come as a shock to anyone. Doubly amazed that more words like ‘humiliating’, ‘demeaning’ and ‘crushing’ weren’t used as well as the typical ‘tedious’ and ‘boring’. Fuck Vogue and Ally McBeal, compulsory team sports has screwed up more people’s self image than a billion starved models.”

An Afternoon’s Blogs…

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 11th, 2000 at 3:30 pm and is filed under Blogs.

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