[funny] Man Smoking E-Cigarette Must Be Futuristic Bounty Hunter‘Sources told reporters that the man, who inhaled deeply on the mechanized smoking apparatus, causing the tip to glow a bright cobalt hue, probably traveled back in time to track down a deadly fugitive hiding in the early 21st century or something. Reports further indicated that the person, who in all likelihood is a futuristic soldier of fortune with off-world military training, stared off into the distance, scanning the building across the street with what must be enhanced optical implants to locate an elusive outlaw’s bio-signature, then exhaled what appeared to be an odorless vapor.’

Man Smoking E-Cigarette Must Be Futuristic Bounty Hunter (The Onion)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 at 12:08 pm and is filed under Funny.

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