4 August 2006
[ukblogs] Blogs in focus at Festival Fringe … ‘Blogs are taking centre stage at this year’s Festival Fringe in Edinburgh, with three different productions tapping into the world of online writers. One of them, Bloggers: Real Internet Diaries, is based entirely on British blogs.’
[religion] Hatemail to the Flying Spagetti Monster … ‘PASTAFARIAN?!? that doesn’t even make sense!! why the hell would god be PASTA?!?’ [via linkbunnies.org]
3 August 2006
[comics] Alan Moore on Lost Girls — long interview in the Onion’s AV Club [via Robot Wisdom] …
‘The way that we worked on Lost Girls was actually different than the way I’ve worked on any other comic I’ve done. I’m known for turning out book-sized scripts with detailed written descriptions of each panel and all the dialogue and captions and sound effects. But Melinda had never worked with a scriptwriter before, so she looked at these enormous scripts I’d written for the first four or five episodes, and I think it crushed her spirit. She wasn’t comfortable, and she suggested that maybe I could do thumbnails, which is something I haven’t really done for other artists because I’m so lousy at drawing thumbnails. I have to write pages of explanation to tell them that this little blob down in the right-hand corner is actually the leading character’s head and shoulders. But Melinda, since she was living up here, I could talk her through all the breakdowns. She’d take my rough thumbnails and a pep talk and would go and turn out these lovely pages. Then I would do the dialoguing after the artwork was done, so that I could have a look at the expression that Melinda brought to the work. I could fine-tune the dialogue for the images so everything was much more synchronized. Lost Girls probably marks the closest that I’ve worked with an artist on a comic, perhaps unsurprisingly. With the nature of the material, it more or less demands an intimate relationship between the creators. Not just intimate in the usual physical sense, but also intimate in a mental and creative sense.’
[wtf] The Daily Mail uses Del.icio.us … ‘Square-shaped watermelons created for easy storage are to hit stores in the UK.’ [via qwghlm.co.uk]
2 August 2006
[lists] Merlin Mann’s 5ives — amusing lists of five things …
Five suggested Flickr tags 1 August 2006
[wiki] My Wikipedia Contrail: Fallen Astronaut … ‘Fallen Astronaut is an 8.5-cm (slightly over 3″) aluminum sculpture of an astronaut in a spacesuit. It is the only piece of art on the Moon.’
[murder] 39 Years After Boy’s Murder, Police Arrest Two Men … ‘It was almost 40 years ago that a young grammar school boy set off on a sunny Saturday afternoon to buy a geometry set, still wearing his distinctive uniform as he wandered down a rural bridle path nick-named Happy Valley. Harold Wilson was in Downing Street and the new car sensation was the Mark 2 Ford Cortina, but both were wiped off the front pages by what happened to 12-year-old Keith Lyon before he reached the village store at Woodingdean, near Brighton. In a brief attack, he was stabbed 11 times in the stomach with a serrated kitchen carving knife after a mob of older teenagers from a rival school jumped him, according to local people, then left him to bleed to death on the path.’
31 July 2006
30 July 2006
[tv] Useful Bookmark: What’s on Film Four Today?
27 July 2006
[comics] Ghosts Of Stone — comics scans of Grant Morrison and Curt Swan’s origin of the Base of the J.L.A.
26 July 2006
[london] The Hunt for the Killer Hairballs — great article about the men who flush out the sewers of London …
‘Fat is the bane of flushers’ lives. Millions of litres, from half-eaten breakfast dishes, chip-laden frying pans or fast-food joints, are tipped into sinks each day. Eventually they find their way into the sewers. They represent the effluence of affluence. They are the graffiti that the contemporary leisurepolis scrawls on subterranean environments. Thirty years ago the Thames, unloved and abandoned, created few problems for flushers; now, the river’s banks are congested with clubs, boozy eateries and art-complex gallery cafés, all of them disgorging fat. 25 July 2006
[comics] Hicksville — the blog of Dylan Horrocks.
[comics] Up, Up and Away, Indeed — Wired News on Academics examining Comics … ‘Conference co-founder Coogan acknowledged that academia can be a fun-buster. “You have this dog and you love it, and you want to find out why you love it. You dissect it, and you’re left with this dead bloody dog on the table,” he said.’
24 July 2006
[property] Apartment for Sale, Manchester — an attempt to sell a flat using the blog format … ‘Looking for a stylish, contemporary apartment in Manchester City Centre? Interested in cutting out the middleman and going for a quick, private sale? You’re in the right place then!’ [via Feeling Listless]
[apple] The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs, Aged 51 1/2 … ‘Dude, I invented the friggin iPod, okay? Have you heard of it?’ [thanks Phil]
23 July 2006
[morrison] Video of Grant Morrison at Disinfo.Con 2000 … ‘WOOOOOOOOOW! Here we are! Right! Fuck man, I tell you when I was a kid I read Robert Anton Wilson and all this shit and here we are, we’re standing here, talking about this shit and it’s real! OK, I’m pissed and in half an hour I’m gonna come up on drugs, so watch for it!’
22 July 2006
[food] Pepto-Bismol Ice Cream — Blogjam creates a unique hangover cure … ‘I revisit the Pepto-Bismol website, where are glance at the FAQ section reveals a previously unheralded paragraph: “Some people feel refrigerating makes the dose more pleasing to take, and that’s OK. However, you shouldn’t freeze the product.” Whoa! Waddya mean no freezing? I’ve just made ice-cream!’
21 July 2006
[funny] A New Pope — a great viral video from Adam Buxton … ‘Coverage Of A Sci-Fi Ceremony In A Galaxy Far, Far Away…’ [via jwz]
20 July 2006
[london] The Winner or Sinner Man’s MySpace Profile … ‘Most of my days are spent on Oxford Street with my friend the Megaphone (we are inseperable!)’ [via Diamond Geezer]
19 July 2006
18 July 2006
[books] Mickey Spillane Obituary … ‘As an author of pulp, Spillane’s guiding principle was that “violence will outsell sex every time”, but combined they will outsell everything. As part of the promotion for his novels he adopted a Hammeresque persona which was transparently an act. He once informed a British interviewer, “I always say never hit a woman when you can kick her.” When asked “is that the treatment you give Mrs Spillane?”, Spillane primly replied, “we’re talking about fiction.” There were three Mrs Spillanes…’
[comics] Joe Matt Returns! — the Drawn and Quarterly blog on Peep Show #14 … ‘Last week we received the cover for Peepshow #14, and he promises that the rest of the issue will be here in a couple of weeks…’ [via Pete’s Linklog]
17 July 2006
[google] Resource-Intensive Google Queries — Google OS Blog wonders if you can find search queries that slow Google down… ‘In 1999, the average search took approximately 3 seconds. Now most of the searches take less than 0.4 seconds.’
16 July 2006
[comics] Fan Response to News Of Tom Frame’s Death: Judge Dredd – Speechless.
[comics] Rest in Peace Tom Frame — I’m very sad to hear news about the death of Judge Dredd’s Letterer. Mike Collins On Frame: ‘Tom’s no-nonsense, finely spaced, tall text is as much a part of Mega City One’s environment as Dredd’s helmet or badge.’
15 July 2006
[blogs] Why doesn’t Google invest anything in Blogger? — interesting post on Google’s lack of interest in updating Blogger … ‘Have they essentially decided to allow Blogger to atrophy and die? Are there no, actual, people at Google who really get (or have ideas for) blogging?’
[comics] Rogues’ Gallery Runoff — a list of villians unlikely to turn up in future Superman movies … On ‘Capitalism’ as a Superman villian: ‘…the blatantly leftist political sympathies of Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster have faded as Superman has become less of a rage-filled activist and more of a benevolent caretaker.’ [thanks Stuart]
14 July 2006
[games] Pac-Man Guide — advice and games patterns for playing Pac-Man … ‘Pac-Man is the game which represents everything that’s good about gaming (any kind of gaming) and nothing that is bad. It’s easy to grasp but hard to master. Addictive and stuffed with pure unadulterated gameplay. Frustrating but always having you come back for more. Never boring and always tense, even for the best players. Always giving you the impression that you can master it but never quite letting you get there.’ [via Do You Feel Loved?]