[aftermath] The Battle For Ground Zero — what happens next in NYC … ‘…very tall skyscrapers are out of fashion these days, isn’t there still an impulse, he asks, to see something tall and triumphant at the site? So what about, say, a 70-story office tower with a sculptural steel lattice at the top that climbs to the 110-story height of the original Twin Towers? And what if it becomes more delicate as it rises, suggesting spirits released into the sky? Then again, where will you find a developer willing to pay for 40 stories of unprofitable frosting on his cake?’

The Battle For Ground Zero

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 29th, 2002 at 12:27 pm and is filed under 911.

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1 Comment

Likely, said developer won’t have to pay for that frosting anyway. With so much federal aid pouring in to NYC, any development project in that area is going to get hefty help from the Fed.

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