[not this life] Preview of the new drama on BBC2 called Attachments which has a website which is part of the story. ‘Attachments centres on the efforts of Mike and his wife Luce to transform his new music website,, from a bedroom hobby into a viable internet content business offering news, reviews and gossip. Frazzled executives will recognise the couple’s struggle to secure venture capital funding without having to give away too much control of their fledgling company. Those lower down the new economy food chain will be able to identify with an internet start-up office divided along content writer versus techie versus programmer versus designer social faultlines. They will also recognise the long periods idled away playing computer games and emailing mates, punctuated by short bursts of frenzied, work-through-the-night activity as deadlines loom.’ [Related Link:]

Attachments Preview

This entry was posted on Monday, August 28th, 2000 at 8:29 am and is filed under TV.

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