[property] Agents Diary — the blog of an anonymous Estate Agent somewhere in the UK … ‘A dreadful day today, I realised at three-thirty that I hadn’t left my desk, apart from one brief trip to the kitchen for a cuppa and two pisses. If I could get one of those colostomy bags and coerce one of those idle bastards to actually make me the occasional tea I could sit here permanently.’

Anonymous Estate Agent’s Blog

This entry was posted on Monday, April 3rd, 2006 at 8:19 am and is filed under Blogs, UK.

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Aww bless, it’s such a hard life isn’t it. All that not starting work until 9 and finishing at 5:30, getting weekends off. Have you stopped to think that you are A SERVICE INDUSTRY? The first estate agent in this country to shift to reasonable opening hours will wipe the floor with their competitors. Shut your whining and do some work.

Actually… many estate agents I know do work extra hours! I myself work Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday until 4pm. I also work all bank holidays and a lot of my appointments run over past my normal working day. I am also asked not to take Mondays or Fridays as holidays…
I never complain though, anything for a sale.
But you’re right it is a service industry however we open before the shops and post offices and close later.

However there is never a problem as a serious buyer would take time out for a serious property search, same as a bride looking for a wedding dress.

I use to work as an Estate Agent and everyone thinks that it is such a laid back job but it is not at all. I worked my behind off. And it is a VERY competitive market

I am an estate agent and i have to work very long hours but its all worth it to nose around someones house.

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