[politics] What if? — worst-case-scenario for Tony Blair as he enters his toughest week in government … ‘Mr Blair is more likely to fall in the style of Margaret Thatcher, with his cabinet colleagues insisting he go after deciding he has lost his electoral value and is now a liability. That’s what happened to Mrs Thatcher – the last prime minister to be viewed as invincible – after she failed to beat Michael Heseltine by a big enough margin to avoid another leadership ballot.’ [via The Daily Chump]

Tony Blair’s Worst-Case Scenario

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 27th, 2004 at 8:35 am and is filed under Politics, Tony Blair.

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1 Comment

Can’t see him going though, can you? A narrow win on topup fees, a mild wrist-slap from Hutton and then he resigns for “health reasons” later this year.

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