[books] Pullman brings back Lyra for Oxford mystery — update on Philip Pullman … ‘”At the heart of it is a new short story called ‘Lyra and the Birds’, explained Pullman this weekend. “It’s set a couple of years after the end of The Amber Spyglass, and refers both back and forward – so it’s a sort of bridge between the trilogy and a longer book coming later, to be called The Book of Dust.”‘

Philip Pullman Update

This entry was posted on Monday, April 7th, 2003 at 8:28 am and is filed under Books.

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That’s just great! Not that the end of The Amber Spyglass wasn’t all it should be. When Pullman spoke about the book nearby in Concord, Mass he said that the end, melancholy as it was, was a necessary acknowledgment of what Freud calls the reality principle. And in a sense that all his endings are like that, particularly the ending of his great adult novel Galatea. But I am more than willing to trust him with sequal after sequel.

I really wish someone would send me a copy of that south bank show with phillip pullman – please!!!!

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