[test] Which Male Kevin Smith Character are you? … [via]

You have a genius intellect and an awesome sense of humor. You can sarcastically put someone in their place without batting an eye. Your only problems seem to be that you have trouble acknowledging your true feelings and you may use your humor as a defense to hide what you are really feeling. But, your godliness overpowers any insignificant flaws you may have. Even if you tend to pass gas during very inconvenient moments.

“What kind of man are you anyways? I’m talking comics and you bring up chicks and romance.” — Brodie

“What kind of man are you anyways? I’m talking comics and you bring up chicks and romance.”

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 12th, 2002 at 9:46 am and is filed under Fun, Movies.

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DUDE! You and me both! Sarcastic miserable old fucks that read too many comic books RULE! You want some chocolate cake?

:) No Thanks.

one more ! we should start a support group !

I’d offer some sage advice on that, but seeing as I came out as Silent Bob, you’re going to have to wait until the last ten or so minutes of the film for that. Couldn’t do it any earlier. Sorry.

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