‘I’ve done questionable things.’ — Roy Batty.
I’m sitting watching Blade Runner. I suppose this is as good a way as any to start a weblog…

The First LinkMachineGo Post

This entry was posted on Saturday, March 4th, 2000 at 7:20 pm and is filed under LMG.

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No, it’s not a bad way to start. Also, Ken Livingstone to run for Mayor?

Point of order: Is it acceptable to comment on a post five years late? If I’ve nothing better to do this morning, I may work my way through and use my powers of hindsight for the benefit of those who are catching up with the backlog of reading that the internet has given them.

Happy Blog Birthday. Is it still acceptable to comment at five year intervals, or is the whole thing out of control? I’ll never catch up on my Internet reading, or my Outernet reading for that matter.

Good grief. Bloggy birthday, Darren. LMG was one of the first sites I ever started reading on a regular basis – and still a go-to on the blogroll.Not bored yet, then…

You know what? I reckon Boris Johnson will be Mayor of London in 10 years time.

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